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New Patients

What you should know...

patient undergoing chiropractic exam

After setting an appointment and arriving for your visit, you will enjoy the friendly staff and vibrant atmosphere. After completing some simple paperwork to help the doctor understand your health history, you will meet the doctor.

Your doctor will review your health history and determine if your problem is likely to be helped with chiropractic care. If it is, a thorough examination usually follows. Your reflexes will be tested; your ability to turn, bend, and other standard orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic tests will be conducted. If necessary, x-ray views of your spine may be taken.

Your doctor will study the results of these examinations and explain what they mean. You will see your x-rays and have all your questions answered. Then the doctor will recommend a care program designed for your unique health problem.

First Visit

To help reduce the time spent from filling out forms in the office on your initial visit, please feel free to print a copy of this intake form and have it filled out when you arrive.